About Us

Hi, I'm Joyce and I have something to admit... I love dessert. Its even better when its guilt free.

I'm a mother of two daughters and I've always worked hard to feed them 'real' foods, free from chemicals nobody knows how to pronounce. Go on, I dare you to try.

I've also always considered my own health and have tried different types of 'healthy' snacks, thinking they would make me, well...'healthier'.

By doing so however, I wasn't actually doing my body any justice with real and whole nutrition it needs to keep pace in busy (and sweaty - ie energy loss) Singapore.

If you've done even the simplest research, you're likely aware that more often than not, commercial 'healthy' snacks contain some form of chemicals or are not as whole as you deserve.

*Eating should be pleasurable, but you shouldn't have to feel guilty about it.*  

I no longer restrain my choice of food. Rather, I eat real food that is made from real ingredients... not those that I can't pronounce.  

I listen to my body and eat everything in moderation. It's a cliche but all cliches have some truth to them.

Guilt Free Food has been perfected to ensure a sweet tasty treat without that guilty feeling.

This is based on whole food that my whole family enjoys...and I don't mind that they enjoy after dinner. (And it keeps me in my favourite room in the house...the kitchen!)

It's the real fuel they deserve without the mystery ingredients. 'But it has calories Joyce.' Absolutely.  You can't eat and have the cake. Calories aren't unhealthy. Calories = energy but you can choose what kind of calories you consume.

I'm Joyce and I have something to admit... I love dessert. Its even better when its guilt free and I guarantee you'll love it too.