April Updates - GFF Birthday Edition with Matcha Tri Choco & Mother's Day Pre Order

Hello my friends =) 

Come 1st May is Guilt Free Food's 1st Birthday.  Last year this time, we were still in circuit breaker.  After a lot of discussion with my husband,  I decided not to go back to corporate, dropped my consultancy gig and took on full time baking as a home baker despite the long and odd working hours. One of the motivations is the fact that you take time and effort to feedback to me - be it good or bad.  And, that's priceless, which I won't be able to experience in my corporate life!   

To celebrate this pivotal point of my life, I have specially come up with Matcha Tri Chocolate Rolls.  The bittersweet notes and creamy aftertaste have a lot of reminiscent of Guilt Free Food journey.  Available for a limited period from May and June 2021.  I see that it makes a good flavor for Mother's and Father's day in May and June =).  Hope you enjoy it as much as my family does.


Please click to start your pre order now:

Matcha Tri Chocolate Rolls (delivery in May and June 2021)
This won't be in the menu permanently.  Only available in May and June.

Mother's Day Rolls OR Mother's Bloom and Roll (delivery on 7th - 9th May)
All Mother's Day Rolls will have a surcharge of $2 (7") or $3 (10") to cover the cost of the Mother's Day topper, ribbons and heart shape gift tag on the box.