March Updates - Let's Celebrate Women's Achievements & Pre Order for Easter.

Hello everyone =)

March is my favourite month of the year, more so for now, ever since I have two daughters.  As a mother, I want Siena and Venezia to grow up in an environment that gender equality exists.  We are very fortunate that females are given the same opportunity and exposure as our male counterparts.   It's not always the case when I used to work regionally.  I  had witnessed on so many occasions that women in general are being belittle and outcast.  Therefore, International Women's Day has a special place in my heart.  Let us all honour IWD and celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

Who's the tough cookie? - Let's celebrate women's achievement
We want to honour all women as tough cookies.   We know that it's gonna take a lot to knock her out of a game. To make this IWD (8 March 2021, Monday) special,  all cinnamon and cheesymite rolls will come with our signature Jumbo cookie (worth $7) at no extra charges. Promotion is valid for 8th March delivery.  If you are gifting to a very special inspirational lady and would like to include a message, please put your message in "Add a note to your order" box at the checkout page. Happy International Women's Day!

"There would be no Christmas if there had not been Easter".  Pre Order open now.
Easter is the time to renew faith and hope - very apt for the current situation.  Guilt Free Food will operate and deliver on Easter Sunday , all so you can get fresh cinnamon rolls throughout Easter weekend.  To order your special Easter rolls (cinnamon and cheesymite), click on your preferred flavour and order Easter themed rolls which include appropriate decor, Easter toy eggs and choc eggs.  Please note that there will be Easter theme surcharge of $3 for 10" and $2 for 7". Easter themed rolls will be available from 1st - 4th April.  Preorder starts now before I announce publicly on 5 March)


Thank you for your continuous support and I look forward to baking for you.